Feb 14, 2022
You can reach our guest today, Brian Sachetta, on his ‘kick ass’ website https://getoutofyourhead.com. There you will find his blogs, merch, his 2 books with today’s podcast’s emphasis on ‘Get Out Of Your Head V ol.2 Navigating the Abyss of Depression’ and more! Remember, Brian is a coach!! You can also contact Brian , including how to purchase one or both of his books, on his email: Brian@getoutofyourhead.com. You can also follow him on facebook, Instagram and Linked-in.
And you can contact me, Debora Jan Gray,on my website www.deborajangray.com or email deboragray3@gmail.com.
God bless, get vaxxed, and boosted if possible, stay safe, and have some fun!!!